Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

    • How to Make a Cappuccino 

      How to Make a Cappuccinothumbnail
      Make a Cappuccino
      Cappuccino is a mixture of espresso, a little steamed milk and a little milk foam. The milk/foam ratio is up to you what you enjoy most. Some like a thick layer of foam while others just want foam as a garnish on top. Mix as you please.
      Make a 1 1/2 oz. espresso, leaving enough water in the espresso machine to steam some milk. (See "How to Make an Espresso" in the Related eHows section.)
    • 2
      Put espresso in a 5-oz. or larger cup so that you have room for the milk.
    • 3
      Set espresso machine to steam.
    • 4
      Fill a stainless-steel carafe with 3 oz. cold milk and insert the steam nozzle.
    • 5
      Place nozzle halfway down in milk and leave it in milk for 45 to 60 seconds, or until the milk is hot and there's enough foam for your preference.
    • 6
      Add 1 1/2 oz. steamed milk to the cup of espresso.
    • 7
      Spoon some foamed milk onto the top.
    • 8
      If you like, sprinkle with ground chocolate, cinnamon or nutmeg.

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